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Jackie Chan’s son gets in Double Trouble

The production company of “Double Trouble” held a press conference last week in Beijing, attended by cast and crew. Lead actor father Jackie Chan also showed up to help promote his son’s new project.

“I didn’t like doing this before,” said the Chinese mega-star, referring to his appearance at the event, “but when shooting The Karate Kid with Jaden Smith, I found that Will Smith gave as much support as he could to his son. So I have changed my mind.”

In addition to Hong Kong actor/singer Jaycee Chan, the film features mainland stars Xia Yua and Deng Jiajia, and Taiwan actor Chen Handian. The film was shot in Taiwan with action scenes designed by Jackie Chan’s crew and Li Zhongzhi, the famed martial arts director.

Plot: The younger Mr. Chan plays Jay, a member of a Taiwan security team in charge of protecting a treasured 400-year-old painting about to be put on display. When the painting is stolen, he is mistakenly thought to be involved. Chasing the thieves — two “hit girls” in black leather and stiletto heels — he gets tangled with Ocean (Xia Yu), a vacationing security guard from Beijing. The escaping thieves plant the rolled-up artwork in a handbag that is carried onto Ocean’s tour bus, which leaves without Jay.

The film is scheduled to hit mainland cinemas on June 8, 2012.


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