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Donnie Yen pays tribute to past action masters in Last of the Best

In Last of the Best, Donnie stars as Xia, a former martial arts instructor of the Police Academy who went to prison after he accidentally kills a man during a private confrontation. The movie will pay tribute to past action masters. Donnie does not feel pressured and supports paying respect to past stars.

Asked about filming with Charlie Yeung, Donnie replied “It does not matter if the actress has martial arts experience or not. As long as they are female artists, I will accommodate them. A gentleman should do this. When I was filming with Kara Hui on the set for Dragon, I did not treat her as a man either.”

In this movie, Charlie portrays a policewoman; hence she will only be using a gun and would not be engaged in fights. She attended class on firearms before, which hopefully will help in her action scenes. When Charlie saw Donnie shooting a fighting scene, she admired his agility. Asked about kissing opportunities with Donnie, Charlie said, “We do not share this kind of affiliation, but I will have a bit of relationship with Alex instead.”

source: jaynestars

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