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100 Man Fight, a story of Masutatsu Oyama student

Judd Reid is the real life karate kid. As a teenager he was selected to go to Japan and train every day for 1000 days under Kyokushin Karate founder Masutatsu Oyama.

Almost 20 years later he won the WKO world heavyweight championship. His attitude was always anything is possible and never give up. Then came the invitation to attempt the 100 man kumite…

Journey to the 100 Man Fight tells Judd’s incredible story of life long dedication to martial arts and his attempt at the 100 man kumite in the twilight of his fight career. Follow him as he prepares to take on what is considered by many martial arts elders the ultimate challenge of the spirit.

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Budomate is the leading voice of action cinema since 2009. Here you will find latest film news, movie reviews, TV show updates, interview with actors, directors and stunt coordinators.


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