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Gorgeous and groundbreaking Tai Chi 0 will be released in early 2013

Promotional materials and a short trailer were recently released for Stephen Fung’s “Tai Chi 0″, first of a planned trilogy. Shu Qi and Daniel Wu, besides those below, were also announced as cast. Ip Man’s Sammo Hung will action direct the Tai Chi O, which will be released in the US and Canada in early 2013.

Well Go USA stated that Tai Chi O will see a theatrical release in North America on October 26th. Variance Films will handle distribution. Vice President of Well Go USA said: “It’s awesome, it’s martial arts, it’s gorgeous and groundbreaking and a no-brainer. We’re massive fans and freaked out when we saw it.”

Daniel Wu worries that in future Chinese kungfu films will end up having close-up shots of stars who know nothing about martial arts and fight sequences that are dubbed.

“How will our films be any different from the Hollywood ones then?” he says.

Fortunately, he and Fung have found a 22-year-old, who has never been on the big screen before, to lead Tai Chi, Diversion’s first project.

According to Wu, the young man has won many kungfu contests and is an amazing actor. “I cannot promise he will be the next Jet Li or Jackie Chan, but at least we are doing something. If we do not try, nothing will change.”

Huayi Brothers, which is partnering Diversion, will not release the name of the actor yet.


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