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Jon Foo has to forced to fight his way out in Extraction

Crackle (Sony Pictures Television’s online video network) will bow 90-minute martial arts action Extraction in September 2013, which SPT claims is the first major feature made for the Internet.

Film follows black-ops member who finds himself the only survivor of a botched prisoner-extraction mission and must escape from maximum-security prison in Russia—with the prisoner alive—in order to catch a terrorist arms-dealer who is a threat to thousands of lives.

Extraction features Jon Foo, Danny Glover, Vinnie Jones, Sean Astin, Joanne Kelly, and Falk Hentschel. Movie written and directed by Tony Giglio, produced by Ranger 7 Films, founded by exec producers Mike Callaghan, Reuben Liber and Justin Bursch.

source:, cityonfire

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