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First look at Wong Kar-Wai The Grandmasters

Finally we have an opportunity to watch the first teaser for Wong Kar-wai biopic of Wing Chun master Ip Man named The Grandmasters. Now it is time for Tony Leung Chiu-wai steps into the foots of Yip Man.

I can say I was not impressed and have a feeling that I have seen it somewhere before, maybe in the Legend of The Fist Return of Chen Zhen Movie. All this stuff with the rain, slo-mo, and wire-drop look familiar. Wing Chun Kung Fu fight sequences look not down to earth and not so tough like Donnie Yen did in 2008. But I suppose this movie will be absolutely different within a rich atmosphere like Wong Kar-wai likes to do. I know Tony Leung trained vigorously for the role, but if you are not a martial artists you will always be looking a little bit funny on the screen (look at Matt Damon in The Bourne trilogy) fighting and editor work or shaking cam will be on your side to cover all the holes. This could still be a great film because of Wong’s strength as a filmmaker is in his ability to craft compelling, character-driven narratives.

Martial arts movie The Grandmasters co-stars Zhang Ziyi and Chang Chen, with supporting roles filled by Cung Le and Bruce Leung. Martial arts movie producer Ng See-yuen is producing with action choreography by his old cohort Yuen Woo-ping.

THE GRANDMASTERS is scheduled for release in 2012.

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