Gods of the Arena focuses on the House of Batiatus prior to the arrival of Spartacus, while telling the story of Gannicus and his struggle to become the first gladiator from the House of Batiatus to earn the title Champion of Capua.
As Gods of the Arena begins, the Batiatus from Blood and Sand (Josh Hannah) is not yet the head of the House of Batiatus. Gannicus is the head gladiator at the Batiatus ludus, but the House of Batiatus has not yet acquired the necessary respect in Roman society that will allow its gladiators to vie for the title of Champion of Capua. Gannicus must fight his way up the ranks in the arena, thus affording him the opportunity to become the Champion.
Fans of Spartacus are thrilled with the upcoming Gods of the Arena prequel but depressed about the recurrence of Andy Whitfield’s cancer and his withdrawal from Spartacus: Vengeance. But as Gods of the Arena and Vengeance are aired, the cult following of Spartacus can only continue to grow
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