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John Woo Presents Reign of Assassins

Michelle Yeoh is set to star in a martial arts film, Jianyu Jianghu, which will be co-directed by John Woo and Su Chao-pin.

Woo will supervise and Su execute the direction of the film, which is scheduled to start shooting in China this September. The literal translation of the Chinese title is Reign Of Assassins.

Set in ancient China, the film stars Michelle Yeoh as a skilled assassin who is on a mission to return the remains of a mystical Buddhist monk to their resting place. The remains are believed to hold a powerful secret. Along the way, she falls in love with a man named Jiang, whose father was killed by her gang. Unaware that he also is a trained martial artist, their love blossoms but tensions arise as the truth of her past unravels. Soon, a lethal triangle surfaces between her, Jiang and the team of assassins that are after the monk’s remains


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