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First look at Tony Jaa’s Tom Yum Goong 2

Tom Yum Goong 2 came out a couple days ago in Thailand. There was three reviews so far. The first one is bad; the second is ok; and the third is decent.

The first from calls it “probably Tony Jaa‘s worst movie thus far.” Regarding the action scenes, reviewer Tony Teh writes: “Thanks to the horribly digitised and CGI sequences, this over-the-top action flick is far from gritty compared to Jaa’s previous films. The fight choreography is decent but there’s nothing that hasn’t already been done before, or already been done better, by Jaa.”

In the second review Wise Kwai from “Wise Kwai’s Thai Film Journal” shares a similar sentiment regarding the fight choreography: “Despite everyone’s best efforts, the fights in Tom-Yum-Goong 2 lack the sizzle and originality of their earlier efforts in Ong-Bak and Tom-Yum-Goong.” This is by far the most in-depth review so far.

The third review from a blogger says, “The movie goes on overdrive fighting gear the moment the camera starts rolling. Non-stop smack, whack, wallap …” This is pretty much in line with what the previous two reviewers have to say. After 15 minutes of set up time, it’s all action from there on out.

So let’s wait for release in US and other Western countries and judge ourselves.


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