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Lady Dragon in Japanese Way

Seems to me 2012 is a year of female martial artists, Gina Carano turned to actress and gained action fans sympathies with Haywire, Zara “Lady Dragon” Phythian is going to do the same with Iron Monk movie and her successfully growing movie career around Great Britain, Rina Takeda in 2009 demonstrated her high professional martial arts skills in the High Kick Girl and working on the sequel now, moreover well known Cynthia Rothrock is making her come back to movie industry, starring as a bad girl in the White Tiger alongside Don The Dragon Wilson.

And now Mari Abe is going to shake the action movie world up with the new Japanese martial arts movie Lady Dragon Fist of Anger. She took on challenge and bloom her talent as an action actress with dangerous kung fu skills. Director Kei Nakata is well known around Asia, action director is Tatsuya Horiguchi. Premiere is set on March 3, 2012.

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