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Robin Shou in the new Indonesian actioner Pirate Brothers

Have seen the trailer about a month ago, but decided to tell you about this new Indonesian martial arts movie today. Pirate Brothers is Beginning with the story of the revenge of a poor child, an orphan, living in the harbor. He named Sunny. Having an adopted brother who was murdered by a tattos gang.

Sunny, is living in an orphanage, and meet Verdy. They are familiar like brothers. So one day they have to split up, because there is rich people who adopt Verdy. Verdy initially did not want to, but Sunny force him, for life is more worthy and happy.

Time passes … .. for 20 years they had split up. now Sunny joined the pirates, while Verdy become wealthy businessman heritage adoptive father, and had a girlfriend named Melanie.

And the tragedy began, when Verdy will send a secret item, which is the target of pirates. Verdy have to give up because Melanie was taken hostage by pirates.

Looks promising for me and Robin Shou shows good fighting skills, so let’s wait for release.


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