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Jon Foo survives miraculously from his injuries

Whilst the rest of us are set to endure a horrific theatrical parade of rom-coms and mainly tame action flicks this summer, France knows where it’s at, as they’re set for some hard core fight action in the form of Jean-Marc Minéo’s Bangkok Renaissance, which stars martial arts expert and stuntman Jon Foo, better known by Tekken.

Martial arts movie Bangkok Renaissance opens in France June 13, 2012 – Here’s hoping some bright spark picks it up for release nearer to home soon.

Synopsis: Manit, a boy of ten years witnessed the murder of his parents. Unrelenting, the killers decide to eliminate it. Shot in the head, the child survives miraculously from his injuries, but finds himself struck by ataraxia. The damage to his brain took away any emotion. Saved from certain death by an old martial arts master, Manit, 20 years later becomes a real war machine, returns to the place of his childhood …Justice is going to fall…And men will die …

Jon Foo-Bangkok Renaissance


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